How much does software escrow cost?

Sometimes our clients are surprised to learn that a software or SaaS escrow solution costs more than they initially anticipated. While the costs for software escrow services typically pale in comparison to the software license or SaaS subscription agreement fees they support, there are several factors that contribute to the overall cost of a tier […]

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5 Reasons You Should Push Your Potential Software Partners To Use Interactive Prototypes

Choosing a software partner is a big decision for any company, especially those in the SaaS space As a beneficiary, or end-user, who is licensing software from a provider, you will surely want to stay abreast to what is going on with your project. The only way to really know what’s going on throughout the

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Why Automated Software Escrow Is The New Standard For Beneficiaries

In an environment where your business is constantly seeking to improve your processes, products, and services, you may consider onboarding the latest technology vendors to stay three steps ahead of your competition. As a part of the vendor onboarding process, software escrow has become a vital tool for the success and security of a software

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3 Ways Automated Software Escrow Safeguards Beneficiaries

When an end-user, or beneficiary, seeks to enter a software license or SaaS subscription agreement, their most important question to ask is “What’s in it for me?” It’s the ultimate value proposition and one that software developers are eager to answer. The thing is, it’s a pretty darn easy solution. Software and SaaS applications are

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How Software Escrow Protects Your Client (& Helps You Sell)

Looking for an extra edge to win software clients? Then meet software escrow. It shows your customers your credibility, commitment to security, and allows you to level the playing field with the big players in the software industry. Not only does it provide an edge, but for many end-users, software escrow will be required for

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How An Interactive Prototype Makes It Easier To Sell Your Software

You’ve got great ideas, but can you adequately relay them to your customer? If not, you may need to consider an interactive prototype, the ultimate tool to help you show how your software works, versus trying to tell someone who might not understand. Not sure what we mean? Then keep reading! What Is An Interactive

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Automated Software Escrow with Praxisescrow

Automated Software Escrow for the Agile World

One of the things we at PRAXIS strive to do is always stay ahead of the curve. The need for software escrow has changed over the years with the emergence of agile development practices and the adoption of software as a service for enterprise users. Despite these massive trends, the capability of escrow solutions were

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Impact of Agile development on Praxisescrow

The Impact of Agile Development on Software Escrow

Software industry trends such as software-as-a-service (SaaS) and Agile development methodologies have dramatically impacted the software escrow industry and resulted in a reinvention of how the software escrow services are delivered and maintained over time to ensure value. Software escrow agreements are a necessary protection for enterprise software transactions and have been since the late

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